Specimen Requirements
Citrate, 24HR Urine
Specimen Requirement
The bladder must be emptied at the time the collection is to begin and this urine discarded.
There after all urine must be collected until the end of the scheduled time and kept refirgerated during collection. Collect urine with 10 grams of boric acid at the start of collection. Refrigerate urine during collection (critical). Mix the collection well before checking the pH and ensure boric acid tablet is well dissolved: pHÂ should be between-4-7. Send 10.0 mL (mininum) refrigerated in a screw-capped plastic urine container. Record total volume on requisition and specimen labe.
Room Temperature Unacceptable, Refrigerated 14 days
Reference Range
By Report*
3-4 days Performed Mon, Wed, Fri
Clinical Use
The mean urinary citrate excretion rate in patients with idiopathic calcium urolithiasis is significantly lower than that of control groups. Hypocitraturia is common in patients with urolithiasis resulting from renal tubular acidosis and in patients with enteric hyperoxaluria. Citrate excretion is low in renal insufficiency.
Test Code